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From Math Misery to Mindset Mastery: A Teen’s Remarkable Breakthrough

Teaching is a rewarding yet challenging profession, and even the most resilient individuals can find themselves disheartened when faced with disengaged and unmotivated students. In this blog, I share a personal experience working with a sixteen-year-old, looked-after student who seemed beyond reach, highlighting the transformative power of a growth mindset.

As an athlete and multifaceted professional, I found myself at the brink of quitting my online tutoring role after weeks of frustration with a seemingly unresponsive student. The lack of motivation, disrespect, and draining interactions had eroded the joy I once found in teaching.

Now, I’m no stranger to challenges; in fact, I’m all about resilience – I’m an athlete, after all. But this situation was draining at a time where my capacity to grin and bear it was already stretched thin. Ever been there? That feeling of dread before dealing with someone or dragging yourself to a job that doesn’t spark joy?

A Lesson In Perseverance

Thankfully, I am my mother’s daughter.

Why does this matter? Drawing inspiration from my mother’s decade-long commitment as a foster carer, I recognised the importance of not giving up on those who may seem challenging or unreachable.

My mum dedicated over a decade of her life as a foster carer for Salford Council, from when I was about eight years old. Growing up, my home saw a constant stream of new young faces – a high turnover of individuals from my formative years into adulthood.

Among them were some seriously challenging cases. One boy put his hands down the back of his trousers, pulled out a brown-stained hand (I won’t be more specific than this), and attempted to smear it on the wall. Then there was a teen girl who made a habit of sneaking out of her bedroom window at night for a cigarette or to escape if she wasn’t pleased with dinner or how school went during the day.

Yet, out of the numerous children we fostered (I can’t quite pin down the exact number, but it’s safe to say it was a lot), there were only two occasions where my mom and Pete, my step-dad, had to put their foot down and say, “Enough is enough; we unfortunately can’t have this child in our home.” Why? Both times were because they felt the physical safety of their own children and the other foster children was being compromised.

That’s a tale of perseverance. A story of not giving up on children. It’s about going above and beyond, even when it got tough, even when their efforts to show kindness, compassion, and love were thrown back at them.

I am my mother’s daughter. And this legacy of resilience, compassion, and love is a part of who I am today. (Not always, because I am human and can be impatient and cold at times, but I try!)

The Shift to Growth Mindset

That’s why, in all my years in education, I’ve never wanted to give up on the ‘difficult’ ones. They’re the children I relish working with, guiding them to achieve breakthroughs and letting them know I’m in it with them, no matter what.

This desire compelled me to try again. So, I mixed things up. I decided to adopt a different approach with my disengaged student and laid it out plainly. “You’re smart, right? Approach Maths with the same mindset as English. You’re engaged there. So, bring that focus to Maths. Maybe you’ve been told you’re not great at it, but reject that! You can be fantastic. You can learn and get better.”

Ever heard of ‘growth mindset’? It’s saying, “I don’t understand this yet, but I’m willing to give it a shot.” On the flip side, a fixed mindset says, “I don’t get this. I’m just not good at Maths.” But why stick to that fixed mindset? What if we change your perception?

Shift perspectives; try a new angle

I told him – mistakes don’t bother me. In fact, they’re great! As long as you’re engaged and making an effort, that’s what matters. I care more about your effort than results right now. And believe me – results will come if you put in the effort. Let that sink in.

And… it did. 

Our beliefs about our abilities shape our outcomes. Embracing a growth mindset, acknowledging that improvement is possible, and investing effort can lead to transformative changes.

Breakthrough Results with Growth Mindset

This past week, a remarkable transformation happened. Questions that previously stumped him, he began acing with 100% accuracy.

He switched on, was actively listening, and firing away with engaging questions. Why now? What changed? (I’m actually emotional typing this) – he didn’t try before because he didn’t believe he could. This change was not only dramatic but also inspiring, proving that a shift in mindset can lead to remarkable results.

Previously, the moment ‘let’s start with maths‘ hit his ears, he mentally checked out. Numbers, symbols – he believed he sucked, so, well, he sucked.

But here’s the magic of shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset – believing you can, or at least believing you can try to improve, can produce astonishing results. At the end of our first lesson last week, he wrapped up with a whopping 90% attainment across all the questions. I was genuinely blown away, so I had to ask him directly: “What changed?”

His response? “You said to bring the same energy as in English. So I did.”

What’s the takeaway?

When life throws a curveball, and you catch yourself thinking, “I suck at this,” hit pause. Change the narrative. Bring the same energy to the task as you do to something you love. Why? Because our beliefs about our abilities shape our outcomes. Embracing a growth mindset, acknowledging that improvement is possible, and investing effort can lead to transformative changes.

This arduous, rewarding journey with my student serves as a powerful reminder of the impact of perseverance, a growth mindset, and the belief that positive change is achievable. Whether faced with educational challenges, personal struggles, or professional setbacks, adopting a mindset of growth and resilience can pave the way for breakthroughs and success.

Ultimately, this student wasn’t a lost cause. He simply needed a mindset shift. So, if this looked-after teen can turn it around, so can you. Believe it, bring the energy, and watch the magic happen. ✨

2 thoughts on “From Math Misery to Mindset Mastery: A Teen’s Remarkable Breakthrough”

  1. What an amazing testimony to the importance of shifting our perspective and adopting a growth mindset. It was transformative for that student and we can learn loads from his story. Thanks for sharing this. All 2024 I’m going to have a growth mindset!

    Liked by 1 person

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