
Beware! The dangers of filming and hiking in the Arizona desert.

I'd like to say: ‘No humans were hurt during the making of this film,' but cannot honestly end with this disclaimer. Filming action shots required real action – not just for the protagonist. Who knew that camera men suffered too? Here’s a picture of my amazing cameraman, Alpha losing in his battle with a cactus.


Patience – The Fruit of the Spirit

“So when you’re in the car I bet you’re the type of person to switch the radio station if a song you don’t like comes on?” Personally I change stations each time the DJ plays a song I dislike. Yet, here’s my training partner telling me he hasn’t switched his radio station ‘for about six months’. Now that’s what I call patience….or insanity! He told me to give it a go, so I did...


The Power of a Crowd – the Easter Experience

I initially began writing about how gutted I was that America does not celebrate Easter with yummy chocolate eggs because their chocolate is painfully lacking in good taste levels. (UK chocolate is far superior). Then I checked myself and thought I’d articulate the true reason for the season...

Failure, Success

God is bigger than our failures

Let me just quickly share with you a snippet of the message my pastor, Glyn Barrett spoke this morning (22.215) in church ( It really encouraged me to remember and trust in how magnificent and big my God is. It’s a word we Christians all know about but sometimes forget to grab hold of in… Continue reading God is bigger than our failures