2 Quick Tips To Overcome Challenges

So my Road To Rio (Olympic Games Journey) ended in tears in Texas on 30th April this year with an achilles tendon rupture. And two weeks later it was replaced with my Road to Recovery.

And since then, that journey has not been easy. It has been littered with tears, tantrums and confusion (still is, to be fair!). But every so often I seek to share the positive moments of this rehab whilst providing a few tips on how to keep smiling as best as you can through your struggles.

My two top tips for anybody going through challenging circumstances is simply this:

  1. Be grateful for EVERY good thing in your life – even if it is as simple as being able to walk as opposed to hobbling along on crutches (I love to give thanks for this!)….Or having three square meals a day, the Internet, a phone and a means of transportation. Those seemingly small things actually rank you amongst the top 5% of the world’s wealthy! It’s a surprising and humbling fact, isn’t it? (Data from here.)
  2. Celebrate EVERY victory. Again, this applies to the small ones as well as the big’uns! This post was inspired by my most recent victory with my achilles tendon rehab. On Sunday morning I discovered I can now do 20 Single leg calf raises. For me, this is such a crucial milestone. So despite the fact I have many more milestones to hit, this is something I want to celebrate by sharing with others. You can watch my victory on YouTube here or below!

What challenges are you currently facing? What are you doing to navigate through your storm?

Let’s get connected!

Twitter: @Airozuru

Instagram & Snapchat: @Absisdabest


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