Acceptance Again? Yes, It’s Life-Changing! 

I spoke about acceptance in a short 30 second vlog here. And it seems to be something that people truly relate to in terms of being able to liberate them from a place of confinement created by their difficult circumstances. For me, I needed to personally accept the tragedy of missing another Olympic Games due to injury this year (yes, I should currently be in Rio which is still heartbreaking for me) and alongside that the end of my athletics career (I’m retired). So I’ve had a bit of a double whammy. Even though that was (and still is) my reality, sometimes we live in this state of limbo where we are aware of what is happening but we are still not 100% accepting of our reality. When I finally came to this realisation again I was able to move forward and begin the rest of my life – because of acceptance. Like I mentioned here, you need to accept what is in order to move forward.

Acceptance is powerful, so please don’t get it confused with giving up, failure or surrender to your circumstances. Acceptance will give you the impetus to rise again and create an even better future than before.

I’m bringing up this point of acceptance again because it was recently discussed in my UCB Word for Today daily prayer devotional. If you would like to receive these daily devotionals, sign up here or let me know and I’ll sign you up to receive the booklets through the post every few months. The extract reads:

Missionary Elisabeth Elliot found it [peace] ministering to the Indian trivet who massacres her husband.  She wrote, ‘Only in acceptance lies peace…not in resignation.’ There’s a big difference! Author Creath Davis points out that: ‘Resignation is surrender to fate.  Acceptance is surrender to God. Resignation lies down quietly in an empty universe. Acceptance rises up to meet the God who fills that universe with purpose and destiny. Resignation says, “I can’t”. Acceptance says, “God can”. Resignation paralyses the life process.  Acceptance releases the process for its greatest creativity. Resignation says, “it’s all over for me.” Acceptance says, “now that I’m here, what’s next, Lord?” Resignation says, “What a waste”. Acceptance says, “In what redemptive way will you use this mess, Lord?” Resignation says, “I’m alone.” Acceptance says, “I belong to you, Lord.”

‘Now that I’m here, what’s next Lord?’

That quote stood out most for me in that extract because, of late, that has been me; I’m giving it [my fears, worries, stresses, failures, sadness, disappointment…] all to God and allowing Him to direct my next steps. And I also love the fact they highlighted the truth that Acceptance brings peace.

What resonated with your spirit? Was there anything in all of this that made you feel peace or hope? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I’d love to read them.

Let’s get connected!

Twitter: @Airozuru

Instagram & Snapchat: @Absisdabest


2 thoughts on “Acceptance Again? Yes, It’s Life-Changing! ”

  1. So many people need to hear these “healing” words. They are spoken from the heart clearly showing that disappointment does NOT have to cause LONG TERM discouragement. Those seeking different and new opportunities must look forward and absorb the endless choices available. Great message!

    Liked by 1 person

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